A downloadable game

Deep, deep in the sky a golf course is laid out. A golf course in the sky? Yes! A golf course in the sky in which you control the golf ball to move into the pockets.

You would think these would be normal golf courses? Well…..

Hole in None is a third person experience in which you must complete the five levels by moving through the obstacles and landing the golf ball in the pockets. Sounds easy right? These obstacles can obstruct your journey as they will try to push the ball off the platforms. To assist you, there are various power-ups located around the map that can be used to either aid or destroy you in the levels:

Speed Up: To give you maximum speed to get yourself across maps or to hinder your progress!

Bouncy: This power-up gives the player a massive jump, to either jump from platform to platform or to make you fly off the map!

Slow Down Time: Sometimes in levels, everything just goes a bit too fast. It is good to slow things down and can be the key to complete levels…..

Lives + 1: Feeling under the weather? Keep on dying? By collecting the heart you give yourself a plus one on your lives!

Camera Rotation: This will rotate your view of the golf ball by ninety degrees each time you move over it. You may think this is a pointless power up, however it has more use then you think….


Arrow Keys / WSAD: movement

Walkthrough (SPOILERS):

Level 1:

This is a very easy level as it allows you to get a feel of the game. The two power ups 'Speed Up' and 'Bouncy' are used as traps and will throw you off the platform and make you lose a life. Move to the pocket to proceed to the next level.

Level 2:

This level will require you to use the 'Speed Up' power up in order to fly over to the other platforms within the distance. You will need to ensure that you move over the ramps at the correct angle to ensure you land appropriately. Once you make it to the final platform the pocket is there to take you to level 3. However if you chose to touch the camera a secret platform will reveal. However the controls are inverted and you will have to navigate through to the hidden platform with them. At the end of the secret ramp there is another 'Speed Up' power up that can be used to transport you over to the hidden platform. On the hidden platform there is a yellow pad that once touched will take you onto the secret level.

Bonus Level:

This is a small mini level that is set out like a skate park. You can play around here as much as you like and when you are finished you can touch the green pad to proceed to level 3.

Level 3:

You will notice that there is a Ferris wheel spinning out of control. No matter how many times you try and push through it you will just thrown off of the platform. To get through it you need to use the 'Slow Down' power up which will slow down time within the level and can pass through the obstacle. After this you can then move the ball to the hole and proceed to level 4.

Level 4:

This will require you to use the 'Bouncy' power ups in order to jump up to each platform.  The second platform to jump to is in front and above which isn't too difficult to jump to. The third platform is behind the second platform meaning you have to angle your jump appropriately.

Level 5:

This level will require you to have patience and good control over the golf ball. In this level there is a mini maze set with the 'Bouncy' and 'Speed Up' power ups. If you touch any of these, you will be thrown off of the platform and lose a life. You can work through this maze by either moving backwards through it or move over the 'Camera Rotation' power up twice to get a 180 degree with inverted controls. Every time you reach a corner you need to slow the ball down and then continue you on the route. Once you reach the end there will be a congratulations UI that will be displayed and will return you to the main menu.

Menu Music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9JA1HK7yvQ

Secret Level Music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ_zomNMK_s

Background music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bFJnpaE5O4

Bouncy (Power Up) : www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDwUcvaIVVY

Speed Up (Power Up): www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqjqbKYfcpE

Camera Change (Power Up): www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXS2yIldvQ0

Lives + 1 (Power Up): www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMaqmz92D-A

Slow Down (Power Up): www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHGhK4MFeNg

Game Over: www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-CdbwuWHrs

Clock Image: https://wallcar.me/set/

Celebration: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYwAHURPQ-s

Assetstore.unity.com. (2014). Classic Skybox - Asset Store. [online] Available at: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/sky/classic-skybox-2... [Accessed 13 May 2019].


Hole In None.zip 24 MB